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Racial Inequality

  African Americans realized they would have to fight for racial equality on all fronts. Racism was even experienced in the suffrage movement when African-American women like Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Alice Dunbar-Nelson supported the need for women’s voting rights. During an organized women’s suffrage march in 1913, the organizers of the National American Woman Suffrage Association asked black women to march separately. Although the 19th amendment was passed to grant the vote to women, it was not until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s that African-American women could exercise this right without discrimination.
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contribution of slave in the first world war

  The First World War represented a turning point in African history, not as dramatic as the Second World War, but nevertheless important in many areas. One of its most important legacies was the reordering of the map of Africa roughly as it is today.


  Racism is now like the cancer of the society. Due to the colors of the skin, people are undergoing racism everywhere in the world, and then the whole world is just like the jungle today, animosities around several nationalities, exploitation and injustice, killing, and destabilization. Always trying to understand why they despise one another, as a result of deep reflection. Different colors seems to have forgotten that they all belong to the one and sole genealogical tree, and are all descendant from Adam and Eve, should love one another in unity, harmony, and fidelity and purify their affection, recognize their universality and work out a universal morality and humanism for the sake of mankind’s peace progress love and happiness and also be common folks and not common foes.

Slaves in the battlefield

  . In the battlefield, they faced heavy guns attacks, bullets, canons, and the bombshells dropped by the wicked enemy. Despite their great contribution to the liberation of the western nations. History still continues and no one can stop it. Now they become independent but morality colonized because most of their decision-makers do not come from them but instead, to the Western.

slavery video

  In all the different islands  the treatment of the slaves was nearly the same; so nearly indeed, that the history of an island, or even a plantation, with a few such exceptions as it had mentioned, might serve for a history of the whole. Such a tendency has the slave-trade to debauch men's minds, and harden them to every feeling of humanity!  the dealers in slaves are born worse than other men—No; it is the fatality of this mistaken avarice, that it corrupts the milk of human kindness and turns it into gall. And, had the pursuits of those men been different, they might have been as generous, as tender-hearted and just, as they are unfeeling, rapacious and cruel. Surely this traffic cannot be good, which spreads like a pestilence, and taints what it touches! which violates that first natural right of mankind, equality, and independency, and gives one man a dominion over his fellows which God could never intend! 
The Middle Passage   A world that reminded shameful torture that no human creature should ever encounter in its beautiful hometown. Middle passage  It also reminded no-return shipment in the middle passage, a passage during which innumerable African souls lost their very  precious lives in the very deep Atlantic Ocean. During that deadly crossing, not to mention the First World War when the western nation’s power and dignity were jeopardized, oh yes in danger, they needed Africans' help, then they went there and lent a much-appreciated helping hand.
tortures   As time went by Africa became a target to the Western . Do you know what they did? Let me tell you, now listen.  They kicked off the struggle for international dominion among themselves and with selfish , unfair motivations, excuses, and objectives , they invaded its  precious blood, then took him forcibly from its homeland to the new world. To help on the foundation of the building of that world.